Finally ready to share my birth story. (long)


It all started on Friday 15th September I was 35+6, I went to the doctors for something I didn't think was pregnancy related. My doctor told me she had phoned triage and I had to go on for testing. So I drive up to the hospital wait forever to be seen and get tested, was told my results had been rushed and should be back in about an hour so grab something to eat then come back. I came back about an hour later and waited to be seen again. When I got this intense pain in my back an stomach my mother informed the midwife and I was told to wait in a side room after about 20 minutes the pain didn't pass or even lighten. I was given painkiller to see if they would help. After another

10 minutes I was sitting on the bed and suddenly I felt like I peed myself a little so I stood up to check and there was blood I couldn't even speak just burst into tears and second later a flood of blood came out of me and doctors and nurses came rushing into the room I was immediately stripped and hooked up to an IV where I was given fluids. A doctor came and examined me and said my waters had broken and I was 1 cm dilated and I'd be taken to the labour ward ASAP I arrived at the labour ward and hooked up to machines to monitor myself and my baby. Fast forward 8 hours I was only dilated 3cm and baby's heart rate was dropping rapidly I was told an emergency c section was my only option and was prepared for surgery in under 10 minutes. After I was given my spinal and surgery was about to start I hear someone say "right we have 2 minutes to get this baby out" her heart rate had dropped to below 80 I just remember laying there tears streaming and praying for everything no to be okay. Finally my baby was out I only got a little glimpse of her tiny foot as she was rushed to be checked I felt relieved only for a split second as I realised she wasn't crying, I waited what seemed like forever and I finally heard her cry! I didn't even get to hold my baby before she was rushed to NICU. I was still in surgery as they continued to pull blood clots out if me and stich me up. After surgery I was told my placenta had ruptured and that's what the massive blood loss was and why my labour started. I lost over 2 liters of blood. Three weeks later myself and baby are home and doing perfectly! The transformation in her gives me strength each and every day! ❤️