Not sure what to do.


So I’ve been married to my husband for about almost a year, we’ll be officially a year on Nov 7, 2017. I’m concerned about his followings on instagram he follows like over 500 people and I only follow 70 people. The majority of the people he follows are either celebrities or girls that look better than or girls he’s known through out high school. Every time I go through each of their profiles (psycho stalker over here) I get mad because I see he’s liked their pics/selfies... but they’re from a long time ago.... idk should I really be mad? I unfollowed a lot of people (mostly dudes) since we first dated and he says he has too... but I don’t see much that he has unfollowed.. ugh I don’t know I’m a very jelly person especially when it comes to the love of my life and I don’t want to make it a big deal because I’m very dramatic too. We just got out of the biggest fight about a week ago... what should I do? What would you ladies do...? I need help.😒