Opinions on Tablets and cell phones as Pacifiers?

Long story warning! So I recently watched a video on facebook, it was actually ment to be a rant/funny video but I thought it was actually pretty informative and opened my eyes to what I've noticed my whole life! As a child growing up, my step mom was honestly what you'd call the "evil step mom" Every time wed go to any store (if we had that wonderful oportunity) it was always a lecture before getting out of the car. This was literally her every time. "Okay guys im not kidding, if you touch ONE thing in the god damn store you will never EVERRRRRR come with me again! You will keep your arms folded you will march right behind me, and if you even dare ask for anything you will be grounded. Got it?" So all 6 of us kids would agree and go inside following behind her like a little army trying to keep up with her pace as she speed walks her way through the isles... I guess my story is different from some people because not everyone has 6+ kids to have to keep an eye on at all times. But seriously? Talk about depressing. I've seen moms in target who keep their child by their sides and if their child grabs something they emediately freak out and I mean start yelling, spanking, saying how they told him/her not to touch shit! Then the kid starts crying and the only way to calm them down is with a tablet or a phone. Theres no such thing as a perfect parent but what do you expect from a 5 year little girl who lights up the entire room when she sees something pretty and shiny? Why not be like "Oh my gosh hunny, that is beautiful, now put it back because we cant buy it today" Dont try to take away from your child's curiosity. Don't expect your poor kids to follow you around with their mouths zipped and their arms folded as your dragging them through Target for hours looking at coffee cups and large granny panties. Instead, have fun with them! Talk with them! Create a loving bond with your kids and maybe it will have a good effect on them in the long run and shopping trips wont be as dreadful of an experience! I dont feel bad for parents who have little spoiled brats who are constantly on the ground kicking and screeming over a damn ipad or cell phone. You are the ones who introduced them to those things. You're the one who uses the things as a pacifier..therefore your kid is going to demand those thing until you give it to them. Oh and to the parents who name call their kids like "little assholes" or "spoiled brats" you're the ones who made them that way. Now they know thattheonly way to shut them up is by giving them those things! Congratulations!😂😂