I'm going to rant to strangers because why not


So. April 2016 I finished college and moved in with my fiance. He had been working in oilfield for the last 3 or 4 years, we planned everything out financially, found a house, moved in together, got married in August 2016 and then the economy crashed and oilfield pretty much shut down. My husband was laid off in the middle of the month. So he never got the second half of the month pay cheque, we contacted our landlord, explained the situation, she said she needed the rent by the 1st, no excuses. Long story short we had to move out, she said she would take us to court, but we really had no choice because I only made about $1000 a month. My MIL pulled some strings with a friend of hers and we got a super cheap house, 1 bedroom, bottom of the barrel type thing. But it was perfect for the pinch we were in. I worked for my MIL as a custodian for a business she owns, and in January my husband found a new job, about a week later I found out I was pregnant. We soon realized that our 1 bedroom, fire hazard of a house was not going to be good enough. (Literally all the plug ins shorted and were burnt out. The landlord did nothing about this. Very dangerous living situation) So we started house hunting. Found the perfect place, only a couple hundred more than the place we were currently living in, 3 bedrooms and not a safety hazard. We moved in begining or May. My husband got laid off May 30th. Then our daughter made an appearance on June 14th at 25 weeks gestation. And we got a court order in the mail from our previous landlord from last time my husband got laid off. We were sent to a hospital 6 hours away from home, we were supposed to be home first week of October, but were just transferred to a hospital 1 hour away from home on October 3rd. My husband had been home job hunting for the past month approx because we were hoping to come home soon. He found a job, starting October 13th. (HA) we arranged with the angry Landlords that we would give them my entire pay cheque from the job with my MIL once I started working again, all was good(ish). Then tonight my husband calls his boss to find out what time to come in to work tomorrow and finds that his boss has given the job to his daughter and did not bother to call us about it or anything. So my husband no longer has a job, our previous angry Landlords are still expecting money, we are STILL in the hospital. And we somehow have to pay our current rent.