Baby Ellie May is born!!

Jesse • 2 years trying, first IVF cycle success now raising a wild little gypsy 🌸 follow my instagram - spiltmilkmum😊 and my blog for all the parenting &!IVF truths I have to offer

Well what a whirlwind the last 48 hours has been!! I woke up 8am Wednesday morning with some back and pelvic cramping as if I had eaten something not good the night before! I passed the cramps off as nothing

And tried to go on as normal but by 11am I felt ill with the pains and my husband convinced me to ring the hospital! Because my contractions were so irregular in regards to time they suggested I continue to labour at home until they were approximately 5 minutes apart. At 6:30 that evening the contractions were hard to handle and I had my bloody show so I decided it was time to call again for advice to which they said I could finally come in HOORAY!!! When we arrived they hooked me up and watched my contractions build! I had my cervix checked and I was already 5cm so decided I'd like an epidural..... took 20 mins to arrive, 15 mins to get it in and 3 whole doses before I realised the epidural had failed and I was not going to get ANY relief 😩 the midwife decided to break my waters as the pressure from the waters bulging with contractions was agony! Ellie had done a poo in the womb but luckily I was 10cm and ready to go!! The midwives had me wait until the contractions had brought her down the birth canal a bit more then it was go time 😱 pushing is no joke!!!!!! But hearing my husband whispering to me how well I was doing helped spur me on! After an hour and a half of pushing little Ellie Mays head was born, her should took some coaxing so I had some tearing to show for it. Everyone talks about their best moment of the birth, mine was grabbing her under the rolley polley wrinkled arms and pulling her up and out onto my chest!! My hands will never forget the feel of her skin for the first time!!

So after 20 hours of labour in total including 10 hours of active labour and 1.5 of pushing our beautiful girl was born weighing 8pounds 9oz with a thick head of hair and big blue eyes!!!