Sick of the Fetishizing

SeeEmSpice🍁 • Kyi🎭•Biracial • married🧔🏻• mom👦🏻 • Work hard• sarcastic • NRA • BlackLivesMatter✊🏽 • 🏳️‍🌈 LBGTQIAPD supporter •

I'm so sick of seeing people fetishize over Biracial children or talk about biracial people as if we are some rare mix of a dog. WTF? I see it on here and out in the real world. We are people just like everyone else and we always get reduced to what we are "mix" with 🙄. We are much more than hair and skin and in some cases eyes. There is more to us than surface level BS. And people like to act like we should feel complimented when we get called pretty... being pretty is skin deep and the only time I ever hear people call a Biracial child or person pretty is when they have a certain skin color or hair is a certain way. But Biracial comes in many shades. People don't even acknowledge Biracial people resemble one race. Hell they even question if the person is really Biracial in the first place. If you can imagine growing up and struggling to belong and be accepted for what you are, growing up and not feeling like you belong to one race or the other but instead both but not being accepted by either, the struggle that many Biracial children have. Then to top that off there will be people who treat you special because they view you as some kind of prize. Then add to that and you will get people who treat you like half of a person simply because they don't view the other half of you as being human at all. We are people. You don't need to describe your unborn baby as "Swirl Baby" when your kid grows up there will be plenty of people who call them a confused zebra.

My rant is long. I'm annoyed