Pregnant? Not pregnant. Pregnant?..

Amber • • 23yrs old • Behavioral Therapist •

I’m only 19, so I haven’t ever purposely tried to get pregnant. But not going to lie, I wouldn’t be upset if I did.

My mom had a dream I was pregnant so she bought a test (for the third time now 🙄) and it showed up negative. But honestly every time this happens it just breaks me. I’ve had baby fever since I was 8, and yes I’m in college and want to have a stable life before having kids, but it kills me that I don’t yet.

It doesn’t help that my boyfriend’s ex just found out she is pregnant and since she’s a family friend, that’s all anyone talks about.

My boyfriend doesn’t know how badly I want a baby either, he’s not interested in having kids anytime soon, so I cant even tell him about how it makes me feel.