This is a sick world we live in

And it makes me sick. I'm so tired of living in this world. I'm so sick of white supremacy winning every fucking time! I'm sick of this fucked up public education system! I'm sick of people trying to make places a vegan state before we even feed and house the fucking homeless!!!! I'm tired of animal cruelty! I'm tired of patriarchy!! I'm tired of people judging others and themselves for what they look like!! I'm tired of instagram likes coming before wisdom!! I'm tired of everyone who doesn't see the changes that need to be made and keep walking through life like our earth isnt warming every fucking second!! While we continue to place energy in unwarranted environments and kill national forestry and special outdoor environments that are inhabited by endangered wildlife and plants!!! Our coral reefs are dying, our black men are dying, our children are famished and dying as well( especially in Hawaii and now Puerto Rico) whether you want to believe it or not all of this is happening as we speak. And there is so much to be done but if it's only a few people here and there who care about these issues and are actually doing what they can to promote change, the longer it's going to take to see progress. I'm truly sick, I can't get out of bed today. I'm horrified by what I see