The most crazy thing ever.

Tiffany • Due to be induced May 30th with our rainbow baby girl Mallory! 🌈💜🎀👶🏻👨‍👩‍👧

So back in July my hubby and I finally got pregnant after trying for two years well on our 3rd wedding anniversary August 30th I started bleeding heavily my OBGYN couldn’t get me in right away so I went to a different place that gave me a pee test and forced us out of the place saying I had miscarried in front of the entire waiting room. I bled heavy one day and the other two were spotting. Well my symptoms have only gotten stronger. So I was talking to my sister who talked me into getting a test and I did and my lines on two different test are super strong. I’m scheduling with my OBGYN tomorrow. I am so shocked. There’s no way this is a new pregnancy when I would only be three weeks from my missed period that didn’t come. When I was 7/8 weeks my lines were super faint too but not now. The app says I should be 13 weeks and 3 days. We are ecstatic but also weirded out and worried. Pray that everything is okay with our baby.