
Emily • 👶 2.21.18

So I'm not sure which category to place this in, sorry if it is misplaced. Also this might be long. My mom is incredibly overwhelming to me right now. I love her, and I do anything I can for my family, but I am just a bit overwhelmed in general.

She is very excited for my baby, she will be born in February and is the first grandchild and great grandchild on both sides of my and my husband's family. It is exciting, I get it. She has bought probably most of our baby stuff for us, and always wants to know how I am and baby stats (heart rate at appts, how big etc) She also has some mental illness that constantly puts her in a depressive state and has said a few times that this baby is the only happy thing in her life right now. (She has more then this baby to be clear, but she views it that way because of the depression and anxiety)

That is not the bad part, but I also feel like a terrible person to feel this way. Alot of the things that she does can get a l

ittle crazy. She grabs my stomach without asking, and I don't like being touched, she knows that but does it anyway. She has yelled at me (over text) for not sending my ultrasound photos to her the same day it happened and yelled at me for not wanting anyone but my husband to come to the 20 week scan. (We had not had one alone yet, she has been to a few and my husband and I think we needed this moment alone. )

She constantly disregards my husbands wishes if she doesn't agree with them and generally just makes jokes that you can tell are serious about us moving to the east coast when we can. (She goes 50/50 west coast east coast right now but will eventually live permanently on east coast)

This concern I have is because originally I said I wanted her in the labor and delivery room, but now I don't know if I do, and I don't know how to say that, I feel like she will be so upset and feel like I hate her or something if I try to put my foot down. Any advice?