Weird pre-labor symptoms?


I'm totally symptom spotting since I'm so close to term 😜 but let me just say some of these symptoms are so strange I can't imagine what else they could be from!

I'm 35 weeks, 3 days today.

I've been to the hospital once this week because of minor contractions that were 6:30 apart and 1:30 long. After 4 hours of monitoring I had dilated to 2cm and baby had moved down to a -3 station.

Since last weekend's hospital trip, the contractions have died down, but I'm now feeling like I'm fighting off a mini cold. Headache, achy, and suuuper tired. I'm also feeling super antisocial this week which is not normal for me.

As far as the contractions, I'm getting Braxton Hicks fairly regularly, especially when I stand up or move too much. I've gotten random contractions this week as well, which are progressively getting more painful.

The weird part is, one day I'll feel sick, the next day I'll feel totally fine! It's like off and on, I can't seem to get a handle on what my body is trying to do.

Anyone else experiencing similar stuff this week??