Group B Strep and Overdue, Please Help 😔


Midwife phoned today to let me know that a swab I had done in the maternity unit last Thursday (thought my waters had went), has come back positive for strep b!

She told me not to worry but not to google, guess what I did! 🙈

So I’ve now throughly terrified myself as I’m a week overdue and will be induced, scared my labour progresses really fast and I don’t have enough time to have the antibiotics! I’m strongly considering asking if I could be given a section instead to try and minimise the risk of passing it onto baby and then it means I’ll be able to have the antibiotics properly before being sectioned.

I’ve had a smooth pregnancy health wise but emotionally it’s been really hard due to personal/relationship stuff and this is just another layer of anxiety that’s been added on 😔 I just want my baby to be healthy and to give him the best chance and think maybe a c section will be best?

Any other ladies had any experience of this or asked for a c section? I understand natural is best but I’d like him to avoid the birth canal at all costs if it’s going to increase the chances of him getting strep b from me x