Fucking fake ass “friends” someone help me

I had a friend who was ttc when I met her online. I became pregnant by accident shortly afterward and she was the most supportive, best friend I could ever ask for... until she got another online friend. Then I could feel her being weird towards me. I felt like I had to compete for her affection. I dealt with all of it, because I loved her so much. Well I got pregnant by accident again in August while she was beginning her first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycle. She had posted on Facebook that she didn’t want to talk to anyone but since she was texting me back

I thought it didn’t include me. I ended up miscarrying. She helped me through that. She lost 19/21 embryos. I helped her through that. It put a lot of strain on me, but I did it anyways because we were always there for eachother and we shouldn’t stop now. She got 2 embryos transferred. I prayed for her nonstop, I was attentive to her.... but I thought I was pregnant again. I talked to her about it and she was supportive as always. My pregnancy test lines weren’t progressing so I decided that I probably wasn’t pregnant. After I texted her that, which happened to be on my 1 month miscarriage date, she texted me back that she did not want to talk to me about me maybe being pregnant again. Because I was able to get pregnant by accident and she wasn’t. I told her I respected that, and that I understood but that i thought it was shitty and uncalled for so I told her I needed a break as well. I couldn’t keep just getting walked all over and holding it in. She texted me back not to talk to her again and that there was nothing there for me anymore. She said good luck you really need it. I said thank you but you need it more. She then told me that my dead child lucked out by not being born to a mother like me. I told her I will be praying for her embryos should they survive. What really bothered me was that her friend texted me saying that while the miscarriage insult was bad that I deserved it because I had been hurting my friend for months by getting accidentally pregnant twice and going to her about it. That’s what really bothered me... this woman who I don’t know knows everything about my life... and my “friend” was putting up an act for 2

Years just so they could talk about how horrible I am behind my back. I feel used, disgusted. I blocked everyone but I’m still mad.

How do I get over it.