

I get so aggravated by my BD. He will plan a cookout or get together at our house. He'll tell me about 6-7 ppl will be there. Fast forward 3 hours and he's up my ass because now there are 15 ppl and I don't have enough food. He will really he's mad at ME because I didnt buy enough food for everyone. Then I have to leave the kitchen where I'm COOKING to go buy whatever he wants. And by the time I feed everyone I get to eat 1 chicken wing and cornbread crumba out the pan. Ugh!!! Then he says as long as everybody else eats, he doesn't have too....Meanwhile I'm standing there like 😔😔.....I just don't understand the point of cooking out if we cant eat. Am I wrong foe thinking we should tell ppl who JUST SHOW UP AND HAVE OTHER PPL WITH THEM that we were not expecting them and therefore done have enough food for everybody??? *I don't mind cooking out and feeding ppl but the pressure comes down on me when there's not enough food. Ugh, I swear my BD make no sense.