My neighbors played a cruel joke on me.

I guess they got their son a new car or whatever because I never seen it before and I was outside with my dog and next thing I know my dog takes off and runs cause people in the car were yelling come here' come here'! And I ran after him but they literally stopped and they grabbed him up and pulled him into the car and I ran drown the whole neighborhood yelling and in so tears. And I called my husband right away and he is on the phone with the people

Who handle the security camera near the front entrance of our neighborhood and finally over 20 mins later the same car comes back and I start running to the car and they dump my fur baby out and take off and my husband just now arrives and I'm in tears just holding onto my fur baby for dear life and the same car pulls into our Neighbors driveway and their sons get out and now my husband is over there talking to their parents. I'm so upset I was so scared I was never going to see my fur baby again. Ugh I'm sorry I just had to vent. I don't know what they did to him but he is not acting right and I'm taking him to the vet as soon as I can.

Update: the vet said he's leg was broken and he showed serve sighs of strangle. I'm crying and I have been for my fur baby. He is slowly getting well, their parents are paying for the very bill, as well as a 5 thousand dollars. I'm donating 3 to the local animal shelter and the 2 I'm using it to get him a hand made dog house as well as adopting one more fur baby from the shelter. The parents are very angry their sons no longer have phones, a car, and I hope more is taken away. My baby has a long recovery.