New pcos diagnosis


So here I am 25 yrs old, married 1.5yrs, off BC for just over a year. My last period was in January and I finally went to the dr yesterday and as were talking she says she thinks I may have pcos. She starts talking about all other signs and symptoms and I have none of them, other then the fact that I haven’t had a period. They did a transvaginal ultrasound which shows a thickening of the uterus lining and then she finds a follicle on the left side which she was surprised by because right before that she was saying people with pcos don’t ovulate.

I’ve been worried and anxious about receiving this diagnosis but at the same time I’m hoping the lab work will come back and show the diagnosis was false.

She started me on medroxyprogesterone for 10 days and I pray that it works.

Has any one been through this that can offer advice? Any and all advice is welcome. Thank you in advance