Elevated/High BP at 33 weeks.

𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐞𝐞 • ♡

Any experience?

I'm reaching out because I have been consistently measuring 2-4 weeks ahead since late 2nd Tri and I've yet to get a growth scan or even a weight estimate on the baby. Last week my BP was at 172/120 and I was in hospital for observation and my BP did go down. But it's still elevated. It hangs around 146/92, sometimes will be in 150s. I've not been put on bed rest or restrictions. I feel like crap. Headaches, dizzy, blurry vision at times. I was in hospital for observation yesterday for 4 hrs but BP lowered so was released. Measured 35 weeks at 32. Still no ultrasound. I'm done. I've never felt this done. This is my fourth. I've never had BP issues, I haven't been put on any medications and I'm just really confused. I know realistically 36+ but this child is much bigger then my previous 3. I can feel it. She has no room and it's so uncomfortable when she is moving around.

I'm just wondering if I should be asking to see a different doctor? I don't know what to do. No previous experience with elevated/high BP. I've been in and out of the doctors office for a week and only been told to rest. My BP seems to stay pretty good when I confine myself to the bed. But as a working mom of 3 that isn't realistic. I can't afford to be off work for 7 weeks before the baby even arrives....looking for some guidance.