Hey guys, I'm 17 years old. which is young, and of course I'm going to get a lot of backlash for, but here's my story: At 16, my boyfriend at the time beat me up, like no joke. Full closed fist, shinned, kicked into the concrete floor. I fought back, with absolutely no lie I thought to myself "at this point, it's either kill or be killed" so I rolled toward the fire placep, picked up a iron bar and broke both of his knee caps. He left my house we had no contact etc. Almost a week later, I arrived home to over 200 people saying he should've killed me on social media. He posted a status on facebook saying " J******** is a crazy butch she broke both my kneecaps all because I punched her" Within an hour his post had gone viral, I suspended my account and never told anyone the truth. I just needed to vent somewhere, where people can tell me their opinions because this has been fucking killing me ever since