
Is it bad to need reassurance that you are wanted by someone?

My boyfriend and I had a trip planned for his tournament, and last minute my parents decided not to let me go alone because they "don't know his family". We were both devastated, we talked... he had to go to sleep but I sent two more messages. In the morning I didn't get a reply, or a "okay I'm leaving" text. Hours passed and I just kept thinking the worst. Was able to convince my mom to at least come with me so I can go at least still be with him, just wasn't the way we planned... when I told him he just didn't seem like he wanted me to go... I asked him are you sure you want me to go and then we got into a fight because I was making it seem like I was trying to push him away. But all I wanted was to be reassured that he wanted me there. Is that bad?