please help me understand

so I went into the hospital a day ago with flu like symptoms, before this I tested three times and they were all negative. anyway, they did blood work and a urine test. PA comes back and says I'm pregnant and does a ultrasound but says the yolk sac looks abnormal so sends me to radiology to get another done. the radiology tech thinks its too early to see something. so he comes back after that examination and says I'm not pregnant and it look like a mass is growing. so I got admitted and my obgyn that delivered my first baby came in to talk to me and apparently didn't know anything about those test. he went back over my labs and said that my blood was negative and urine was positive. the nurse had me retake a urine test and it was negative. she said they either had my labs mixed up or its a false positive. besides all of that I haven't had my period this month and I'm having all of the pregnancy symptoms. I also have PCOS so its hard to tell what's going on. but since i had my baby last year my cycles have been regularly coming every month.I guess my question is can I still be pregnant?