Some men aren’t shit 🤦🏽‍♀️

So I find it very odd that every guy I try to get involved with has some sort of crazy baby moma drama that I want no part of. I was dating my ex for almost 3 year and his baby momma has always had it out for me it was bad she even made it hard for him to see his kid eventually we broke up I started seeing another guy I wasn’t aware of his son until one day when he came to see me on my lunch break at work and had a little boy in the car with him I didn’t think much of if but one day when we’re coming from dinner going to his house a woman was sitting out side of his house with the same little boy I quickly put two and two together that’s his child she’s the child’s mother duh she has gone as far as coming to my job causing a scene I stopped dealing with him waited a few months and started dating a coworker one day I went to pick him up and his baby momma was fighting him outside of the facility 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️I think I should give up on dating obviously it’s not really my thing 🙃