Is he toxic ? I really need advice

Me and my boyfriend have been together for only a month and some days, but he never pays for anything. When we first started dating he did now I'm expected to pay for everything and he never like to pay me back. This week my aunt died she the only aunt I was close too. It been hard but he has been there for me kinda this whole week he let me stay at his house majority of the week until I came home. But now that I'm home it seems like he doesn't wanna talk on the phone,he is literally my only friend. It hard making friends because friend I make magical become fake. I just feel alone and want to talk to some one. When I was with him he always answered the phone when others called and had full conversation but today I called and it was like he was rushing to get off the phone. Life is stupid I have no one to talk to. Not even my own boyfriend. I do everything for him I spend all of my money to make sure he is happy and he can't even talk to me on the phone during this difficult moment. Or maybe I'm just being clingy. I'm just tired of being sad and alone. What's the point of life