Im on an emotional rollercoster! Due in 6 days.

My due date is around the corner.. Im usually a very strong person and don’t let anything get to me but let me tell you all.. as of TODAY, I am oficially an emotional wreck.. my kids and I spend most of the year in Mexico.. we are all US Born Citizend except for my husband.. we have been together going on 7 years this November, the 14th to be exact.. and we recently oficially married each other in July of this year. I am filing for his green card but he still has about 4 years to go on his visa because he was previously deported from the US.. for the past 4 years I have gone back and forth from the US and Mexico to be with him but to be with my family here in the US as well.. we have 2 girls together going on our 3rd. I am currently in the US, he is back in Mexico. When I came to the US again 2 months ago I was so happy to be here with my parents.. things were great with him back in Mexico but I didnt miss him and began resenting him.. he would always text or call but I just didnt feel very engaged and would be short with him.. one day we got into it about 3 weeks ago because I told him I just didnt feel the same anymore and he started insulting me.. swearing at me.. calling me the worst of the worst. I held myself together and told him I didnt have any need to put up with him.. that I was super unhappy with him and that I didnt want to be with him anymore. He is super inmature so he deleted me from Facebook.. blocked me on text messaging. I didnt have a problem with that.. I feel annoyed by anythibg that has to do with him.. he’s 32 and acts like he’s 16. A week later I fell outside of Target and was hospitalized overnight so my mother got in contact with him and let him know and he started texting me again.. things got a little bettwr and we started tslking through text here and there and he calls the girls over the phone but now he is the one that acts distant with me. I dont know where we stand but he started verbally abusing me again today and I just couldnt keep it together anymore.. i started crying uncontrollably and feeling super emotional. I dont know whats going on with me.. i dont know if i want to be with him or not.. hes always verbally abusive and doesnt put us his family first.. he preffers everyone but us .. i just needed to vent guys. Sorry for my nonsence.. i Just dont know how to feel or what to do.