sperm analysis results


So a few weeks ago my husband had a sperm analysis (ttc for a year now) and we went through my Obgyn but for the test he had to go to the fertility clinic in town. He said the whole experience was very weird with the remote for the porn in a zip lock bag and all.

So anyway, two weeks later we still hadn't heard from my Obgyn about the results so I called them. They had no idea what I was talking about, but I finally convinced them that they did in fact order this for us. So they said they would call me back.

So a nurse finally calls me back and says that they do have the results, but she "can't understand the page because it's got numbers and charts and stuff" so I'll have to wait until the Dr looks at it and calls me back on Monday.

So I'm a bit annoyed, and I ask if I can get a copy of it in the meantime (we paid out of pocket for this) and she was like "yeah you can come pick up a copy after the Dr calls you on Monday." I was like "umm... It practically belongs to me though."

So needless to say I'm not impressed by my Dr's office, but on the bright side I definitely o'd yesterday after clomid (days 3-7) on day 14. So here's to waiting waiting waiting!