this needs addressed .


okay . so I got on birth control for the first time this past August . I chose to get on Depo, and I am starting to question whether this was the right decision for my well-being or not . I have been bleeding for over forty days, I have been a moody freaking mess (I feel so incredibly terrible for my boyfriend), my already-existing depression has gotten worse (I can tell), I have been constipated like never before in my life, I have been having terrible intrusive thoughts, my already-existing anxiety that had gotten better over the summer has gotten worse, I don't feel like the same person I was a few months ago . I feel totally different . I feel like I am not myself . I don't feel like me at all anymore . I cry almost every night for mostly no reason, I cried the other night because I didn't feel like me anymore . I am supposed to go back for my second shot in a few weeks, but I don't know what I am supposed to do . I certainly don't want to get pregnant and am extremely proud of myself for taking the responsibility to get on birth control to prevent pregnancy, but I am at my wits-end . oh, and no BC-pills for me . I would be too worried that they wouldn't work . just feel down and like crying all day .