Boys boys boys

A little over a week ago I finally got the courage to break off a nine month relationship with a mentally abusive ex. It took me so long to finally realize I deserve better and I was scared that I would take the break up extremely hard. I didn't, in fact I'm so surprised how easy it has been. Maybe it's because I've been "talking" to a guy. I've forgotten what it felt like to have a crush and it's honestly so cute how happy he makes me lol. We're already best friends on Snapchat lol. We met once lmao at a Walmart parking lot for like 5 minutes cause he wanted to go with me to return redbox movies. He admitted to me that he didn't want a relationship and hinted at the fact that he only wants hookups. I said I don't do that and he's still talking to me lol. Im not a virgin, I lost that to my ex ^^ 😒 I'm just scared of being used. So do you guys think I can change his mind, or do you think he's trying to change mine. Ugh idk I have such a middle school crush on him it's almost embarrassing. (I'm also worried about him not like my body 😕)