now or never

because of medical reasons, I will soon have to get my lady parts out which really makes me sad because I wanted a big family. I already have a daughter by my ex and we have been friends since birth. His family does not like me at all but we still coparent as best as possible because we have agreed that being together will never work out. since the news I can't shake the want of getting pregnant before I can never carry again, he also wants another one and we have agreed that we want both kids by each other. My question is, should we stay a part and try for a second one or just drop the fact and move on? I have a lot of siblings and none of them are my full siblings and because of that we have never been close. I'm about to be 20, work 67 hours a week, have a roommate that cleans house and watches my daughter. I'm a full time online college student and I am about to close on a house. I really don't know what to do at this point 🙁