Fuck my life


I need to rant a bit. So 6 yrs ago me and my sister where pregnant 5 math apart she was pregnant before me I was happy for her then found out I was pregnant as well could not wait to tell her we would be pregnant together how ace. Well I found out not that long ago she was tell people the only reason I had gotten pregnant was because she was pregnant. This was her 1st my 2nd she was not trying to get pregnant but it happened I had been trying for almost 2yrs and we never told anyone we where trying. So fast forward she is pregnant with her 3rd again was not trying was not with the dad but that not my point she is telling friends and family give it 3 week and I will be pregnant as well but once again we have been trying for over a year and nothing she just get pregnant where she will now be a single mother of 3 and want everyone to run to her so they can help her. I so want to have my baby why os it her and not me. I have nothing against single mums/dads at all. But my sister is always getting every one else t watch her kids so she can go have fun without them. (If you made it all the way through then thanks for reading and sticking with me)