I hate my fuckin body😣

crystal • Married to my soulmate ❤boymom👱🏻 Endo warrior💪 Hopeful Adoptive Family👣🙏💕

I'm so over ttc 4 1/2 years ttc and I either have a chemical or just not get pregnant! well I feel pregnant this time,sore itchy boobs,bloated,very hungry all the time,I use to only eat one meal a day now I'm eating like a cow! To top it off I have been testing since the 6th of this month,faint lines every other day then negatives then faints..I had a 2 day bleed 8&9 and tested again on the 12th and positive in the timeframe on a .88 cent one..Well took a frer bffn..Ugh so took another test yesterday on a 1$ brand and bfn with fmu..Just for shits and giggles to see what happen I then added water to the same urine took another one same brand and boom positive instantly. I was so excited I ran to the store and got a frer again took that fucker and Bfn AGAIN...Today fmu didn't dilute as I did with the cheapie and you guessed it a Bffn! I give up..guess I'm just getting fat.I have drove myself crazy with these test..I mean how coomon are false positives? I'll had some pics I still have saved.Come join my craziness🙃