I went in Sunday October 15th at 8:00pm to be induced, they started the gel that night

I went in Sunday October 15th at 8:00pm to be induced, they started the gel that night. Caused killer contractions and me to dilate couldn't sleep at all through the night. They had to give me meds in my iv to get me to sleep. Around 8:00am Monday October 16th my obgyn Dr Shockley came in and broke my water and started my proctocin drip to cause more heavy contractions. At this point I was super nervous, they gave me the epidural in my back to make the pain go away. At about 12:00pm october 16th my obgyn came back in and checked my dilation and I was dilated to a 8cm. He told me I should have her before this hour was up. I was super scared but so ready to meet my litte girl. At this point I started feeling every bit of pain they put me on my hands and knees to get my daughter to turn face down and my epidural snapped and broke out of my back. So I had zero pain meds.😯😳😭 I was in tears. And about to start pushing. Took them about 5 min to finally fix my epidural and about 10 min fornit to kick in. So the first 13-14min of my pushing stage I felt every bit of pain. I had my husband Alex holding one leg and a nurce holding my other leg. I pushed for about 30 min before my beautiful little girl Audriana Marie Medina was born.. 1:01pm October 16th 2017. Weighing 8pounds 5oz and 21in long. One of the most amazing things I've ever experienced . My first child at age 17 was born healthy as ever. Crazy thing is a few days before I went in to the hospital my doc told me my daughters estimate weight was 6poinds! And she came out 8pounds 5oz. One big healthy baby girl. Today she is 1 week 1day old.