
I’m in 8th grade and have never had a relationship before. I started to develop feelings for one of my not-so-close guyfriends and it’s killing me. He’s a shy, awkward guy. He doesn’t like to express any feelings whatsoever. He rarely smiles or laughs and when he does it’s genuine and he really means it. Just recently, we were on FaceTime (only the second time we’ve ever talked on the phone... but we text all the time) and the entire time that we were talking, he was smiling or laughing(he did try to cover it up most of the time). A lot of my other friends say that they think that he likes me because whenever we text he’s always flirty and cute and he acts like a total different person than he does with any of our other friends, and they think that I should ask him out, but for the time that I’ve known him(since grade school), he hasn’t been a relationship kind of guy, and if he’s not going to say yes, and it’s just going to screw up our friendship, then why should I even ask him? But the thing is... it’s killing me not telling him... the last time I felt so strongly about someone was in 4th grade... please help if anyone has advice.😁