What was the most wildest thing you've done?

When I was younger I smoked Mary J. My best friend and I had this bright idea to go hang out at the rec in town.we were sitting and chillin (where all the teenagers went) some guys walked up and asked if we wanted to share a blunt with them, being the young and dumb teens we were, we said "heck yea" well we were all at the table smoking and my best friend jumped up and said "im trippin dude im tripping" I was STONED and all I could do is laugh my butt off. she said "this train wasnt here when we got here"(there was no train) so I got serious and thought I was so messed up and i believed her and im thinking i just dont see it. so here i go panicking!! im running in circles. out of my head tripping with her. i said "girl we gotta call someone" the guys that smoked with us were trying to get in my car and i was so high I called my GRANDMOTHER to help our dumbasses and she calls 911 and sends my uncle. so were in the parking lot getting laughed at by a bunch of teenage boys. they hear the sirens and fled out im tripping out so bad im in a total shake and my best friend is grabbing me saying she cant breathe come to find out we was laced with acid. i see my uncle drive by he was flying trying to find me so he drove right by. i started crying he came back by and i blowed the horn he stops in the middle of the road grabs me up and holds me takes me and my friend to my grandmothers and feeds up chicken and milk. my grandmother wasnt mad only thankful i had called her. this story will forever be remembered because my uncle who is now my angel resting in peace!