baby wont stop crying(uk times)

so my little one has basically been screaming all night since 1am and got up with him at 730am fed him at about 815am and he still been winging and screaming since only stopping for 10 mins ish then screams again ...he does have a cold but ive given him medicine and he not bunged up he was a little snotty last night but he has never been like this for the other nights this week hes had the cold ive put teething stuff on him thinking its his teeth getting fed up he never like this he not even hinting of places hurting if he hurting i just need sleep ive had about 3 hrs max since 8am yesterday ive been bleeding outside my period heavyish for 2 weeks now a week after my normal so im feeling weak the only way he will settle is to be held but i dont want to fall asleep while holdinh him or drop him as i have no energy