Mya Autumn May was born October 25th at 8:51am

Mya Autumn May was born October 25th at 8:51am. I had been having contractions every night for three weeks! I was at 3.5 cm and 50% effaced at my doctors appointment which was Monday (two days before) I was 40.1 weeks at my appointment. The doctor stripped my membranes and scheduled my induction for the following Monday. So Tuesday I no contractions whatsoever so I figured I was going to have to have my membranes stripped once more and hopefully I'd have her by the weekend. Wednesday morning I woke up at 7:30AM with a couple sharp pains that shot through my vagina (figured it was dilation happening)  Got Up to pee and when I wiped I had a huge amount of bloody show/mucus plug (which I had been loosing for weeks) thought nothing of it and went back to bed. It was almost 8AM when my first contractions hit and woke me back up... I had enough time to time 3 contractions before I woke hubby telling him we had to hurry it was time. (Contractions started off at 2-3 mins apart) We start to race to hospital and as we approach my body started to push. Thankfully my hubby thought enough in advance that someone was waiting on us with a wheelchair. As I'm being wheeled up my body is continually pushing finally make it up to labor and delivery and they wheel me to triage where they put me on a bed and take my pants off. The entire time they are yelling at me to stop pushing. Which I was involuntarily doing... my body was naturally doing it. They look and said omg she's crowning. Next thing I know she was out. Had her within five minutes of arriving at the hospital in triage lol This was my third baby and third girl. It was my first natural delivery however. My first was induced and my second my water broke but body never started on it's on so was induced as well. Also had epi with two oldest. Mya weighed 6.9lbs and was 19in long. I did have second degree tearing but all Is good