Born 10/25 37 weeks 5 days


Saturday I went to L&D; for decreased movement. I was told then I was 5 cm and 80 % effaced. My midwife told me to be on the safe side and come in if I felt like anything was changing because this is my 4 th and my labors are very fast. Monday night I started have mild but frequent contractions so I called and they asked me to come in. I was 7 cm, but contractions fizzled out. They kept me over night to see if anything happened and talked about letting me go home if nothing changed. They decided that it was risky to let me go home so far dilated and that we would try some natural methods of stimulation. I alternated pumping and walking for 2 hours, but still nothing. They decided to start some pitocin. I was on pitocin for 12 hours with no change other than my water was bulging. Midwife didn’t want to break my water for fear of prolapsed cord. We decided to call it a night and reassess in the morning. They gave me something to help me sleep. Yesterday morning a new midwife was on and she said she wanted to go ahead and break my water. My plan was a water birth, but there was meconium in the amniotic fluid so that was ruled out. I walked for 4 hours with nothing happening. I was defeated and feeling like my body was failing me. They asked me to try pumping again for 10 minutes and boy did that work! An hour and 15 minutes after labor starts my big little baby came earthside. Graham Anders Thomas was born at 1:21 pm 10/25/17 weighing in at a whopping 9lbs 14 ozs (he peed and pooped before being weighed or else he would have been 10!) and 21 inches long. All natural labor and delivery! He is perfect and healthy and although things didn’t go as planned, he is the sweetest and chubbiest thing I’ve seen 😍 I can’t imagine how big he would’ve been if I carried him to term.