How Good and Evil Came about


Curiosity is the Key to Everything! And without questions how are we suppose to know the Answer! I enjoy answering Questions especially if I know the answer to it!! Let's go back to the beginning! Now Satan, Or as God gave him "Lucifer" which means light! (He was the First Angel to be Created, He was also the Leader of the Choir and owned a Third of the Angels) When God created Man and woman! He had simply told the Angels that they(The humans) shall have Charge/Dominion over the Angels. Meaning: If they were ever to be In trouble the Angels will have to Go down and Tend to them! Satan saw the Matter in the Wrong way, Assuming God meant! That the Humans will Rule over the Angels. He was Furious that it Created War in the Heavens between him and God! God was utterly Disgusted With The way Satan Did things! He ordered God to let him Rule the world, and that he'd do a better Job than God did! And that one day Hell take the Throne From God and Rightfully Rule on it himself! Michael (Leader of The Angels) Threw Satan Out of Heaven and the rest who followed! They were Banished by God never to Return to Heaven Again. They Were thrown down to Earth! Once satan and his Fallen ones, Got to Earth They Made an Oath Against God "To destroy All of Gods Creation until there was None left" After their Oath they began to destroy everything God had Made! But the only place they could Not destroy was "The Garden of Eden" Now Adam and <a href="">Eve</a> They did not know Evil, Until the serpent came along and deceived them! The serpent was Satan, But then they too were thrown out, (Because they ate from the tree God told them not to eat from) The Tree of "Good And Evil" .And entered into The world that satan Destroyed! God let Satan rule over this world. And look at how it is. Evil didn't come from God! It came from Satan , God just allowed it. (He gave us all our own mind s to think and do) But if he didn't how were we suppose to learn Good? If you don't experience the Bad your never Going to know The Good! God don't just give things away because a person asks! What will you do for him if he Did? You have to earn it! Its likewise to "If a stranger came up to you" and he asked if he could borrow your child for a while, because he feels lonely, He promised he will give it back once he was finished. Would you give it? You are likewise to that stranger in Gods eyes. And the Baby is What he gives "Life" many things come with life, But like the baby! Its pure and its precious. God knows the difference between what's his and what's Satan's! Because he knows All. The evil things Ain't of this World, Their just In it.