VBAC for baby #2

Maci • WIFE ❤️ CHRIST LOVER 🤩 MOM OF 2💖 DUE Feb 2023🤰🏼

Hello all!

I had an unplanned csec with my first in May ‘16. She was 9 pounds, face up and slightly sideways. I stoped dialating at 6 cm and labored for 18hrs before deciding to do a csec. Doc says there would have been no way she would’ve came out normally because her head was so big.

So...hubby and I want to try for baby #2 next summer, 2018. Our daughter will be 2 by then and I have thought about doing a Vbac with this next baby for a long time. I want everyone’s advice or any suggestions to prepare for a Vbac. Any good research materials?

My current doc will not perform Vbacs so I will have to switch hospitals as well.

Also my husband does not want me to do a Vbac because he worries about too many things going wrong. He a hypochondriac...so I really need support if I am willing to do this! TIA!!