Pain in left side for years, now pregnant and it’s getting worse


This may not be the right topic but I’m in pain and worried.

I am 24

About 3 years ago I contracted Mono and one of the symptoms I noticed during that time was an aching in my lower left side, about an inch lower and 6 inches to the left of my belly button.

After the mono passed and I was feeling better the pain in my side remained. It wasn’t constant but it got more intense like a burning/stinging. It has hurt about once every few months, lasting a couple of hours over the last 3 years. I don’t know for certain if it is linked with mono, but it definitely started at the same time.

I’ve seen doctors, had an ultrasound all around my abdomen, back and ovaries. No explanation.

Now I am 14 weeks pregnant and I’ve had 2 flare ups this month. Very intense, hurts when I move or breath. It’s very scary as it kinda feel like something Is going to tear if I move.

I mentioned it to my obstetrician at my last appointment but she didn’t seem too concerned and said she knows from my recent ultrasounds that I don’t have any ovarian cysts so I shouldn’t worry.

I know round ligament pain is an issue at this stage of pregnancy but this is definitely the same pain I’ve been having for years, it just seems to be more frequent since getting pregnant.

I’m very concerned that whatever it is will hurt the baby. Anyone ever experienced anything like this?