Induction at 39 weeks ( Birth Story )
I apologize in advance if its long.
So I came into the hospital around 5:05am to be induced. I was already 5cm but I wasn't having contractions. My stomach was HUGE.

Me the day before I was induced.
Well i got signed in and registered and was being walked to my room. Which just so happen to be the last room they had open. Thank god!
I gave them a pee sample and ended up getting undressed and now sitting in the room waiting for them to come by and hook me up to the monitor and give me an IV.
( my mother and step mother were in the room with me. My husband would be coming later on in the morning. )
Well they hooked me up to the monitor and had an IV going. Well 30mins in to me being hooked up the nurse asked me on my pain with my contractions. I looked at her very confused. She said your contractions are 3-6 mins apart. What would you rate your pain. I told her I didn't feel any of them. Which she then told me I was lucky. 10 mins after this conversation I was given Pitocin. Which I'll tell you this. I felt my contractions now. They started hurting more and more.
My blood work came back and I was told my pallets were low and they were re taking my blood to see if It goes up so I could get an epidural.
Well they came back lower than my first test and I wasn't able to get an epidural. I was told that the Anastasia person would come up and talk to me. They never did.
My mid wife came in and was going to break my water. Yet because I had so much fluid she was trying to slowly drain it. Well that didn't go as planned. As soon as she tried to pop it with the monitor it gushed out instead of slowly leaking. It drenched the bed, her pants, the floor and 4 towels. Even then I was still leaking.
My stomach went from looking huge to you could see the baby. Like I no longer looked over due.
My husband got to the hospital around 8-9am.
Just as the contractions started getting worse.
Around 9am my contractions were 1min apart and at this point my screaming and crying my head off. Holding onto the bed railing and pulling and pushing.
I wouldn't hold anyone's hand. I just kept crying and controlling my breathing.
Around 10am they were trying to move me and get me standing up or bending over on the bed.
Well bending over was a HELL NO. To my husband was holding me as I was crying and trying to get on my knees on the floor. So my nurse suggested the birthing ball. So I tried it and that still hurt. It felt better when the were pressing my hips together. I got back on the bed to lay down because I just couldn't handle standing. Around this time the nurse called my mid wife and she came in. She tried to get me on my knees on the bed and I agreed because when they tried moving to my side it just hurt so much.
I was basically begging for them to get him out. I was crying and hyperventilating.
My mid wife said if it felt like I had to poop to have the nurse call her because she had to go run next door to check on her other patient. Not even 2 mins out of the room I felt the urge to poop. So I told the nurse and was trying to rock back and forth but it wasn't working.
She comes in and said I can start pushing. Great but I wanted to lay on my back. So in the mist of me rolling over I kick my husband in the balls. Didn't even realize it. I've basically kept my eyes closed this whole time screaming and crying.
So she tells me to push and I do and I just feel my vagina ripping. Doesn't even feel like he's coming out!
So I keep pushing and I swear you not I feel him ripping my vagina. His head is now there and my mid wife told me one really good push and he should be out. Well 2-3 pushes later he's finally out!
They wipe him up a little bit and lay him on my chest and finish sorta wiping him. Well let's just say they didn't do a great job lol.
Well the placenta was still inside and I'm there still breathing and hurting. When my mid wife asked me to push one more time to get the placenta out she was shocked. She said that it was one of the biggest placentas she's ever seen. That it filled the whole tin that it was put in. She was shocked said it was bigger than the baby. Which I don't know if that's a good thing or not lol.
They put him in my gown and my mid wife started stitching me up. It was a lot of little tears. She said first degree. Yet for a 9lb 13oz baby that I did really good and was surprised I wasn't that ripped up.
She was surprised that he was 3oz away from being 10lbs. She knew he was about 9lbs from looking at him but didn't know he was that big.
The nurses and my mid wife said I was a champ and that I did really good.
I've had almost every nurse tell me how good I did for giving birth to a almost 10lb baby naturally.

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.