She came 5 days early
Around 5AM I was turning around in bed and felt my underwear get super wet. Wasn't entirely sure it was my water cause I've had so much discharge throughout pregnancy so I got up and wobbled to the bathroom. As soon as I sat down water just Poured out so I'm like, "Oh thank God." (actual first reaction. This pregnancy has been Rough!) I wiped and looked down and it was a dark green so instantly hopped in the shower and washed off real quick and put on new underwear with a pad. Walked back in to the room and turned all the lights on and told the husband my water broke. I've never seen my husband jump from the bed so fast. He kept asking what he needs to do and was racing around as I directed him and wobbled my way downstairs. After we got everything that needed to be done (dogs fed and let out) we headed for the hospital. We got there and checked in around 7AM.

After almost an hour of being monitored and contractions/dilation not progressing how they needed to, I was hooked up to pitocin to get things rolling at 745. (Since baby was sitting in her shit lol) I was at a 3. Well, pitocin sucks. Really bad. I had the idea of going all natural during labor, and even refusing epidural if I needed to be induced. Ha! Idk how mama's out there do it but you guys are brave and strong and MANY kudos to you. I had some IV pain meds to kinda "take the edge off" (did NOT take the edge off at all lol). Her heart rate wasnt where it needed to be so i got my first amniotic transfusion. It helped a little until the contractions ended up being back to back out of nowhere and not making any dilation progress. I was begging for an epidural and nearly blacking out. (I've passed dozens of kidney stones and have had 2 kidney infections and had people tell me labor would be a breeze. Lol. They're high, I would rather pass stones than have contractions like that again!)
Lemme tell you, anesthesiologists take their goddamn time getting to you! (I know they're busy people! I was super nice and patient with everyone that was helping me ♡ I'm just a baby and was impatient) When he finally came in the contractions were so close together it was so hard to breath and to do what he needed me to do to get one (push out a certain part of my back) After a failed attempt because I have a bulging disc in my spine (just so happens to be the one they give epidural in, yay me!) He retried and after a couple minutes, each contraction hurt less and less until I felt NOTHING. It was glorious. Was surprised how little I felt while he was giving the epidural 😳 That man was my hero 🤗 I kept thanking him over and over lol. My husband watched the monitor and kept asking me if i felt that. I would have like 4 bad ones back to back with no break and then have like a 15 second break. I was about a 5.5 at this point.

I slept as much as I could until nurses ran in and had to adjust me a bunch of different ways cause babies heart rate kept dropping. They did the second amniotic transfusion and tried pitocin again to see if she would handle it. She could not. After 15 minutes, they came in again, turned it off and re positioned me a bunch. My OB was kind enough to hang around (it was 4pm and she was supposed to bee heading home), she ended up walking in and explained that with problem of meconium and her heart rate not handling pitocin to dilate enough, it'll be safer to get a c section. I was like, of course, I just want her out healthy! She said, perfect I'll have you prepped and see you in the OR in 10 minutes. Holy shit, what. I asked how long c sections usually take since i was not planning on having one i didn't do much research. She said about a half hour 😰 My body began shaking viciously and I basically went in to shock, just staring blankly and looking like I was probably seizing lol. I couldn't believe I was going to meet my baby girl so soon!

We got in to the OR and I was being prepped while my hubby sat outside waiting. It was a surreal experience. I feel like all the sounds were blurred together and I felt like it wasnt like how it is in the movies 😂 When they were ready, he came in and sat by my head. I got more epidural medicine so I was extra not feeling anything which was great. The whole csection process was a crazy experience. I could feel them doing stuff down there but like i couldnt at the same time - it was crazy. Idk if it was just them rummaging around in there or my baby kicking from inside but it literally felt like an alien would just pop out of me haha. My husband kept trying to talk to me to keep me relaxed but I was pumped with adrenaline and shaking and could hardly hear him and my mouth and throat were sooo dry. I just kinda layed there and stared at him. When I did try to talk I like couldn't speak loud enough cause he kept asking "what?" so I just gave up and we held hands. The moment we heard our baby girl cry, we instantly got teary eyed as they unfolded the screen and showed her to us. She was sooo beautiful 😍 They took her away with daddy to get cleaned up and I just watched and cried as they sewed me up.
They flipped me back on to the bed then put her on my chest and we did skin to skin for over an hour.
She was born at 442PM on 10/20/2017 weighing in at 6 lbs 8oz and 20" long. My perfect Opal Mae 😍

She's now 8 days old 😍

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.