Colic baby?

mamma bear • 24. Ellie’s mommy est. October 11, 2017 🧡

I know I’ve been posting a lot lately.. but I’m a FTM & I’m just scared of a lot right now and I don’t have friends that understand..

my baby’s been crying non stop and nothing I do soothes her. I bathe her, I constantly check to see if she’s crying because of a dirty diaper, I feed her ( a lot), I cuddle her, pick her up, talk to her.. etc. NOTHING WORKS. Could she have colic? And if so, what do I do?

Please, just someone tell me I’m not alone. She’s 2 1/2 weeks old, I’m losing my damn mind. No one ever said this was easy but no one ever said it would be this hard.... I could use some support right about now.. feeling pretty low & hate to hear my baby cry all day long and all night long.. feeling like a shitty mom