Felt like a slap to the face


I was talking with my friend and she knows my husband and I are TTC. She asked during casual conversation if I was pregnant yet. When I told her no, she said "Oh, well you must not really be trying." and scoffed. (Mind you, she has multiple children and had them back to back to back.) So I don't think she gets that it's just not that easy for everyone. I didn't know what to say, I was so hurt. We have been trying for 6 months and I have done everything I know to do- OPKs, monitoring CM, BDing during my ovualtion week (I can't do BBT because I work night shift 3 nights a week so my sleep schedule is crazy). I'm trying my damn hardest to make a baby here!! I don't know why but it made me so angry. Anyone else have friends/family like this? How do you approach conversations like this?