Feeling invisible

Okay so my fiancé just started a new job this past week and ever since then we haven't really spent any time together.

He goes in around 8am and comes out around 6pm. When he gets home he just chills in the car for about 20 minutes before coming in. After that, he eats, showers and then goes to sleep. He hardly plays with out son now. And I've just been feeling really distant from him. (we used to spend all day literally 24/7 together) now we hardly speak. He says he's tired. And today was his only day off and he got up and started to get ready. So I wake up because he was making a lot of noise and I asked him where he was going and he says to home depot or a pawnshop to look around for tools. I asked him to wait for us( my son and I) and he said no because he's been up since 7:00am and I take way too long to get ready. And finishes his hair and leaves. All he said was "I'll FaceTime you so you can help me choose tools".

I need advice.

Am I overreacting???