UTI & Bleeding Early Pregnancy

Sarah • TTC since April 2016. MMC #1 Sept `16 MMC #2 Jan `17 Ectopic and Tube Removed Nov ‘17

So I am 4+2 since my LMP. This is my third pregnancy, the first two ended at 7+4 and 8+5 respectively. Needing D&C; both times.

At 4weeks this time I started spotting brown, old blood. Having been through this before I sought doctors advice they sent me to the hospital. Where I had bloods and a urinalysis done.

Bloods and urine came back positive pregnancy. Between then and today the bleeding has increased, as has cramping pain just as though its a normal period.

Told to return two days later (today) for follow up HCG to see if it had increased as it should. HCG has increased appropriately (amazingly!) however urinalysis shows UTI.

They've started me on antibiotics and asked me to return in two days for more bloods and a scan.

Asking really if anyone has been through this and had a successful pregnancy with it? I'm terrified and convinced I'm now losing my third baby and it's destroying me.

Any advice, experience or guidance very welcome here from a very stressed out hopefully still pregnant lady! 😘 Thank you xx