Week 12


So I'm week 12 at the moment, and everyone keeps giving me hope about the magical second trimester and how most often morning sickness will subside or go away completely.

Right now, I'm alright. I mean, during the week when I work, I take my anti nausea med and eat every two hours and I usually will keep myself feeling ok or at least keep the full on nausea at bay.

During the weekend, I'm always bed ridden. I don't know if it's just because I KNOW that I can stay in bed all day, so I do, in turn making me feel more sick than I normally would be? I've also only been throwing up usually during the weekend too the past couple of weeks. I'm talking all day in bed though.

Maybe if I force myself out of bed I could make myself feel better? I mean I'm still taking my medication and eating very often so not much is different besides the fact I'm able to sleep more.
