Feeling crazy! - needing advice please


Good morning ladies! I am feeling totally crazy right now!! HELP!

I am 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I have skipped my periods by a week now. Taken about 9 test - all very clear dark positive lines.

Last night around midnight I had a really bad cramp that woke up out of my sleep. I went right to the bathroom and nothing.. no blood , nothing weird. Normal pee and normal discharge.

Woke up this morning and got my day started. Nothing weird or out of the normal. I feel like my boobs are less sore today though. I also feel like my hormones maybe throwing me for a loop. I'm freaking out that what if something happened.. what if I'm actually not pregnant. I have some normal dull cramps that I have been feeling. But I just feel really good today - besides tired (which I wake up at 5am so I should be tired even not pregnant!)

I guess as a young first time mom I am just very scared and nervous. Any advice ? I have my apt next Friday with my doctor when I'll be 7 weeks. How did you call yourself between finding out and your doctors appointment ???

Thank you so much