my girl is here!!


About 9:00 pm last night, I went to bed because I was exhausted and was scheduled to be induced the next morning at 6am. around 9:45 I started having contractions that were 10-14 min apart, not being sure if they were real labor contractions, Braxton hicks, or her head digging down causing pain I waited it out and tried to sleep. I kept getting woke up with them. about 1am I decided I should probably go to the hospital since they haven't stopped and were now 4 or so min apart and it being my 2nd baby I was worried she would come quicker and boy oh boy did she!! I arrived at the hospital around 2am and was already 5cm dilated. my water broke a few hours later, and at 7:26am my baby girl was born with less than 10 mins of pushing!! totally shocked, my first baby was 17 hours labor and over an hr of pushing. everyone meet my baby girl Raegan Blake. 7 lb 2.7 oz