Who is at fault?


So, CPS FINALLY has granted me custody of my sister for right now. It’s been a battle, some of y’all already know. But anyways, during part of this process my mother actually used me and my older sisters as references for her parenting 😂😂 (yeah that actually happened). I’m not sure about the two others, but I opened up as much as I could about my experience. One certain experience, I guess my mom heard that I told them about and she approached me on it. She seems to think she’s an innocent party. I know better. But I’m interested to hear what CC thinks about it, since I’ve heard many people on here say nobody but the abuser/rapist is the one at fault. So here it is.

At 12 years old, my mom moved my second step father in with us. (The first step dad is my sister’s bio dad. He was abusive, he’s no longer in the picture). I was already weary of this new man thanks to the one before him. Within a month or so, I find out he’s been snooping around my room, peeking in my window when I’m dressing or undressing, and otherwise creeping.

I told my mom. She confronted him about it and actually caught him red handed doing it. She confronted ME wanting to know why I let him look in my window, why I was undressing in front of him, etc. She stayed with him, left me alone with him, etc until I was 21 years old; she just left him this past year and they STILL talk/spend weekends together. He did other things, but I won’t get into that. Her response was always the same; blame me and say nothing to him. Last month, she left my baby sister (11) with him for a WEEK all alone, and I can’t help but think what if he did something, since that’s around the age he began looking at me that way. So yes, I mentioned it to the CPS worker.

Mom NOW says it’s his fault for being that way.

I say it’s HIS fault for doing it, but also HER fault for not protecting me and choosing to keep him around when she knew what he was doing.

What do you guys think?

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