Birth Story


Birth story: I had spotting Thursday and Friday. So I went in Friday at 8pm to be checked. While being checked my blood pressure spiked. I was admitted and kept on 24 hour monitoring (both me and Baby). When my 24 hours were up I had protein in my urine, my blood pressure was still wacky. So they consulted with a high risk specialist and were told to induce me at 10:30pm Sunday night. The doctors put the cytotec at 11pm and two hours later I was already at a 3cm. At 3 am I was at 5 cm and at 5am I was still at 5 centimeters so they put a peanut pillow in between my legs. I did end up getting an epidural because I did not want to put him in anymore distress after my blood pressure issues. After the peanut pillow he started coming at 6 am and was born at 6:51 am. He was out in four pushes. He is 4 pounds and 4oz. 17 inches long. He is in the NICU because of his weight and that he is having trouble with his sugar. I am stuck in bed until 6:51 am on Halloween due to them giving me magnesium. After that 24 hours I am hoping to have the chance to go see my son. I am pumping every three hours for him.