Can't stop crying

I have anxiety and OCD and I like a plan! Once I get an idea or want in my head I have to have it! I become obsessed!

When I got my BFP my dr took me off my anxiety medicine, unfortunately it was a chemical. Since then I have been a psychopath. (Crying, over analyzing every symptom) We never stopped trying and now I'm in my TWW. I know I'm not pregnant since I don't have a single symptom. I could cry just typing this!

I'm obsessed with becoming pregnant and being a mother (I've wanted it for years but waited till we were financially stable)

I guess I'm typing this to see if anyone else is in the same boat. Everyone I know is pregnant or already has a kid and it just makes me sad that I can't have that.

I'm rambling and not making sense so I will shut up, just needed to get my thoughts out!

Thanks for listening!